活動履歴    (From Apr. 2007 to Mar. 2008)

Apr. 2007EGU General Assembly "A particle filter with merging procedure for sequential data assimilation".
Apr. 2007データ同化方法の論文の改訂版を投稿.
May. 2007セミナー (Merging particle filterについて).
May. 2007日本地球惑星科学連合大会「逐次データ同化手法とその応用」, 「Relationship between the ring current structure and the electric potential distribution in the inner-magnetosphere deduced from data assimilation」.
Jun. 2007データ同化方法の論文の再改訂版を投稿.
Jul. 2007XXIVth IUGG General Assembly "Quantitative modeling of the ring current using ENA data assimilation", "Ring current modeling with an algorithm based on the particle filter/smoother".
Jul. 2007データ同化方法の論文が受理される.
Jul. 2007オープンハウス.
Jul. 2007極地研シンポジウム "Data assimilation of global ENA data into a ring current model".
Jul. 2007データ同化テスト論文の3訂版をsubmit.
Sep. 2007 統計関連学会連合大会「Merging particle filter for high dimensional problems」.
Sep. 2007SGEPSS 秋学会「Data assimilation approach for estimating unknown factors in a kinetic ring current model」.
Oct. 2007The International Workshop on Data-Mining and Statistical Science 2007 「Merging particle filterにおける重みの設定について」.
Oct. 2007CAWSES International Symposium "Data assimilation for modeling the ring current evolution".
Nov. 2007セミナー (Ring currentについて).
Nov. 2007慶応大でTsunami Workshop."Merging particle filter and its application to Lorenz models", "Modeling of the inner-magnetospheric environment using the merging particle filter".
Nov. 2007岡山にて研究会.
Dec. 2007データ同化テスト論文の4訂版をsubmit.
Dec. 2007AGU Fall Meeting "Application of ENA data assimilation to global modeling of space plasma environments", "Variations in the ring current and inner-magnetospheric electric field deduced from data assimilation of IMAGE/HENA data".
Dec. 2007犬山にて研究会.
Dec. 2007MPFの重みづけについての日本語論文を投稿.
Jan. 2008データ同化テスト論文が受理される.
Jan. 2008丸の内で研究会.
Jan. 2008データ同化結果のletterを投稿.
Feb. 2008IRF Kirunaにてセミナー.
Feb. 2008IRFとの共同研究を手がけてみる.
Feb. 2008データ同化結果のletterがあっさり拒否される.
Mar. 2008九大にて研究会.
Mar. 2008 年度末報告会にてポスター発表.
Mar. 2008名大へdiscussionに出かける.
Mar. 2008 MPFの重みづけ日本語論文の改訂版を投稿.
