Publications and Presentations
Longitudinal dependence of eastward and westward magnetic variations at mid-latitudes
S. Nakano and T. Iyemori,
Adv. Polar Upper Atmos. Res., v. 15, pp. 128-134, 2001.
Local time features of geomagnetic jerks
H. Nagao, T. Iyemori, T. Higuchi, S. Nakano, and T. Araki,
Earth Planets Space, v. 54, pp. 119-131, 2002.
Net field-aligned currents controlled by the polar ionospheric conductivity
S. Nakano, T. Iyemori, and S. Yamashita,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 107 (A5), doi:10.1029/2001JA900177, 2002.
Antisunward net Birkeland current system deduced from the Oersted satellite observation
S. Yamashita, T. Iyemori, S. Nakano, T. Kamei, and T. Araki,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 107 (A9), doi:10.1029/2001JA900160, 2002.
Local time distribution of net field-aligned currents derived from high-altitude satellite data
S. Nakano and T. Iyemori,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 108 (A8), 1314, doi:10.1029/2002JA009519, 2003.
Solar activity dependence of two types of east-west geomagnetic disturbances at mid latitudes
S. Nakano,
Adv. Polar Upper Atmos. Res., v. 18, pp. 23-34, 2004.
Storm-time field-aligned currents on the nightside inferred from ground-based magnetic data at midlatitudes: Relationships with the interplanetary magnetic field and substorms
S. Nakano and T. Iyemori,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 110, A07216, doi:10.1029/2004JA010737, 2005.
Merging particle filter for sequential data assimilation
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, and T. Higuchi,
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., v. 14, pp. 395-408, doi:10.5194/npg-14-395-2007, 2007.
A method for estimating the ring current structure and the electric potential distribution using ENA data assimilation
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, K. Keika, and T. Higuchi,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 113, A05208, doi:10.1029/2006JA011853, 2008.
ENA Occultation: New remote sensing technique to study the lunar
Y. Futaana, S. Nakano, M. Wieser, and
S. Barabash,
J. Geophys. Res., V. 113, A11204, doi:10.1029/2008JA013356, 2008.
Merging particle filterとその特性
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 中村和幸, 樋口知之,
統計数理, v. 56, pp. 225-234, 2008 (in Japanese).
Impact of the solar-wind dynamic pressure on the Region-2 field-aligned currents
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, S. Ohtani, and T. Higuchi,
J. Geophys. Res., V. 114, A02221, doi:10.1029/2008JA013674, 2009.
Estimation of a long-term variation of a magnetic- storm index using the merging particle filter
S. Nakano and T. Higuchi,
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., v. E92-D, pp. 1382-1387, 2009.
Non-storm irregular variation of the Dst index
S. Nakano and T. Higuchi,
Ann. Geophys., v. 30, pp. 153-162, doi:10.5194/angeo-30-153-2012, 2012.
Hybrid algorithm of ensemble transform and importance sampling
for assimilation of non-Gaussian observations
S. Nakano,
Tellus A, v. 66, 21429,
doi:10.3402/tellusa.v66.21429, 2014.
Estimation of the helium ion density distribution in the plasmasphere
based on a single IMAGE/EUV image
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 119, pp. 3724-3740, doi:10.1002/2013JA019733, 2014. [PDF on ISM repository]
Estimation of temporal evolution of the helium plasmasphere
based on a sequence of IMAGE/EUV images
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 119, pp. 3708-3723, doi:10.1002/2013JA019734, 2014. [PDF on ISM repository]
Formation of the oxygen torus in the inner magnetosphere: Van Allen Probes observations
M. Nosé, S. Oimatsu, K. Keika, C. A. Kletzing, W. S. Kurth,
S. De Pascuale, C. W. Smith, R. J. MacDowall, S. Nakano, G. D. Reeves, H. E. Spence, and B. A. Larsen,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 120, pp. 1182-1196, doi:10.1002/2014JA020593, 2015.
Determination of the Earth's plasmapause location from the CE-3 EUVC images
F. He, X.-X. Zhang, B. Chen, M.-C. Fok, and S. Nakano,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 121, pp. 296-304, doi:10.1002/2015JA021863, 2016.
A sequential Bayesian approach for the estimation of the age-depth relationship of the Dome Fuji ice core
S. Nakano, K. Suzuki, K. Kawamura, F. Parrenin, and T. Higuchi,
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., v. 23, pp. 31-44, doi:10.5194/npg-23-31-2016, 2016.
JavaFX-based iUgonet Data Analysis Software (JudasFX) のプロトタイプ開発
小山幸伸, 佐藤由佳, 中野慎也, 八木学, 田中良昌, 阿部修司, 能勢正仁, 蔵川圭, 池田大輔, 梅村宜生, 新堀淳樹, 上野悟,
宇宙科学情報解析論文誌, v. 5, pp. 81-92, 2016.
Decadal-scale meridional shift of the typhoon recurvature latitude
over five decades
S. Nakano, K. Ito, K. Suzuki, and G. Ueno,
Int. J. Climatol., v. 36, pp. 3819-3827, doi:10.1002/joc.4595, 2016.
須藤明人, 樫山武浩, 矢部貴大, 樋口知之, 中野慎也, 斎藤正也, 関本義秀,
交通工学論文集, v. 3, pp. A_76-A_83, doi:10.14954/jste.3.2_A_76, 2017.
A new solar wind-driven global dynamic plasmapause model: 1. Database and statistics
X.-X. Zhang, F. He, R.-L. Lin, M.-C. Fok, R. M. Katus, M. W. Liemohn, D. L. Gallagher, and S. Nakano,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 122, pp. 7153-7171, doi:10.1002/2017ja023912, 2017.
A new solar wind-driven global dynamic plasmapause model: 2. Model and validation
F. He, X.-X. Zhang, R.-L. Lin, M.-C. Fok, R. M. Katus, M. W. Liemohn, D. L. Gallagher, and S. Nakano,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 122, pp. 7172-7187, doi:10.1002/2017ja023913, 2017.
Theory, modeling, and integrated studies in the Arase (ERG) project
K. Seki, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Ebihara, Y. Katoh, T. Amano, S. Saito, M. Shoji, A. Nakamizo, K. Keika, T. Hori, S. Nakano, S. Watanabe, K. Kamiya, N. Takahashi, Y. Omura, M. Nosé, M.-C. Fok, T. Tanaka, A. Ieda, and A. Yoshikawa,
Earth Planets Space, v. 70, 17, doi:10.1186/s40623-018-0785-9, 2018.
Substorm-associated ionospheric flow fluctuations during the 27 March 2017 magnetic storm: SuperDARN-Arase conjunction
T. Hori, N. Nishitani, S. G. Shepherd, J. M. Ruohoniemi, M. Connors, M. Teramoto, S. Nakano, K. Seki, N. Takahashi, S. Kasahara, S. Yokota, T. Mitani, T. Takashima, N. Higashio, A. Matsuoka, K. Asamura, Y. Kazama, S.-Y. Wang, S. W. Y. Tam, T.-F. Chang, B.-J. Wang, Y. Miyoshi, I. Shinohara,
Geophys. Res. Lett., v. 36, doi:10.1029/2018GL079777, 2018.
P3: Pythonによる並列計算機用粒子フィルタライブラリ
中野 慎也, 有吉 雄哉, 樋口 知之,
統計数理, v. 66, pp. 339-351, 2018 (in Japanese).
A framework for estimating spherical vector fields using localized basis functions and its application to SuperDARN data processing
S. Nakano, T. Hori, K. Seki, and N. Nishitani,
Earth Planets Space, v. 72, 46, doi:10.1186/s40623-020-01168-4, 2020.
A candidate secular variation model for IGRF-13 based on MHD dynamo simulation and 4DEnVar data assimilation
T. Minami, S. Nakano, V. Lesur, F. Takahashi, M. Matsushima, H. Shimizu, R. Nakashima, H. Taniguchi, and H. Toh,
Earth Planets Space, v. 72, 136, doi:10.1186/s40623-020-01253-8, 2020.
Behavior of the iterative ensemble-based variational method in nonlinear problems
S. Nakano,
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., v. 28, pp. 93-109, doi:10.5194/npg-28-93-2021, 2021.
International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the thirteenth generation
P. Alken, E. Thébault, C. D. Beggan, H. Amit, J. Aubert, J. Baerenzung, T. N. Bondar, W. J. Brown, S. Califf, A. Chambodut, A. Chulliat, G. A. Cox, C. C. Finlay, A. Fournier, N. Gillet, A. Grayver, M. D. Hammer, M. Holschneider, L. Huder, G. Hulot, T. Jager, C. Kloss, M. Korte, W. Kuang, A. Kuvshinov, B. Langlais, J.-M. Léger, V. Lesur, P. W. Livermore, F. J. Lowes, S. Macmillan, W. Magnes, M. Mandea, S. Marsal, J. Matzka, M. C. Metman, T. Minami, A. Morschhauser, J. E. Mound, M. Nair, S. Nakano, N. Olsen, F. J, Pavón-Carrasco, V. G. Petrov, G. Ropp, M. Rother, T. J. Sabaka, S. Sanchez, D. Saturnino, N. R. Schnepf, X. Shen, C. Stolle, A. Tangborn, L. Tøffner-Clausen, H. Toh, J. M. Torta, J. Varner, F. Vervelidou, P. Vigneron, I. Wardinski, J. Wicht, A. Woods, Y. Yang, Z. Zeren, and B. Zhou,
Earth Planets Space, v. 73, 49, doi:10.1186/s40623-020-01288-x, 2021.
EUV signals associated with O+ ions observed from ISS-IMAP/EUVI in the nightside ionosphere
S. Nakano, Y. Hozumi, A. Saito, I. Yoshikawa, A. Yamazaki, K. Yoshioka, and G. Murakami,
Earth Planets Space, v. 73, 151, doi:10.1186/s40623-021-01479-0, 2021.
Auroral zone over the last 3000 years
R. Kataoka and S. Nakano,
J. Space Wea. Space Clim., v. 11, 46,
doi:10.1051/swsc/2021030, 2021.
Reconstructing Solar Wind Profiles Associated With Extreme Magnetic Storms: A Machine Learning Approach
R. Kataoka and S. Nakano,
Geophys. Res. Lett., v. 48, doi:10.1029/2021GL096275, 2021.
Echo state network model for analyzing solar-wind effects on the AU and AL indices
S. Nakano and R. Kataoka,
Ann. Geophys., v. 40, pp. 11-22, doi:10.5194/angeo-40-11-2022, 2022.
Loading a relativistic Kappa distribution in particle simulations
S. Zenitani and S. Nakano,
Phys. Plasmas, v. 29, 113904, doi:10.1063/5.0117628, 2022.
中野 慎也,
統計数理, v. 70, pp. 235-250, 2022 (in Japanese).
Machine learning emulator for physics-based prediction of ionospheric potential response to solar wind variations
R. Kataoka, S. Nakano, and S. Fujita,
Earth Planets Space, v. 75, 139, doi:10.1186/s40623-023-01896-3, 2023.
Loading Loss‐Cone Distributions in Particle Simulations
S. Zenitani and S. Nakano,
J. Geophys. Res., v. 128, e2023JA031983, doi:10.1029/2023JA031983, 2023.
Probabilistic modelling of substorm occurrences with an echo state network
S. Nakano, R. Kataoka, M. Nosé, and J. W. Gjerloev,
Ann. Geophys., v. 41, pp. 529-539, doi:10.5194/angeo-41-529-2023, 2023.
O+ density distribution in the nightside ionosphere reconstructed from ISS-IMAP/EUVI data
S. Nakano, Y. Hozumi, A. Saito, I. Yoshikawa, A. Yamazaki, K. Yoshioka, and G. Murakami,
Earth Planets Space, v. 76, 3, doi:10.1186/s40623-023-01947-9, 2024.
Machine Learning-Based Emulator for the Physics-Based Simulation of Auroral Current System
R. Kataoka, A. Nakamizo, S. Nakano, and S. Fujita,
Space Weather, v. 22, e2023SW003720, doi:10.1029/2023SW00372, 2024.
Online state and time-varying parameter estimation using the implicit equal-weights particle filter
M. Satoh, P. J. van Leeuwen, and S. Nakano,
Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., v. 150, pp. 2087-2103, doi:10.1002/qj.4698, 2024.
Short-term prediction of geomagnetic secular variation with an echo state network
S. Nakano, S. Sato, and H. Toh,
Earth Planets Space, v. 76, 121, doi:10.1186/s40623-024-02064-x, 2024.
- "Population-based quasi-Bayesian algorithm for high-dimensional sequential problems and hierarchization of it for distributed computing environments",
S. Nakano,
Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), doi:10.1109/CEC.2010.5586535, 2010.
- "A dynamic grouping strategy for implementation of the particle filter on a massively parallel computer",
S. Nakano and T. Higuchi,
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Information Fusion, 2010.
- "Fault parameter estimation with data assimilation on infrasound variations due to big earthquakes",
H. Nagao, N. Kobayashi, S. Nakano and T. Higuchi,
Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Information Fusion, 2011.
- "Weight adjustment of the particle filter on distributed computing systems",
S. Nakano and T. Higuchi,
Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Information
Fusion, pp. 2480-2485, 2012.
- "A prediction algorithm with a limited number of particles
for state estimation of high-dimensional systems",
S. Nakano,
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Information
Fusion, pp. 1356-1363, 2013.
- "Particle Filter for Real-time Human Mobility Prediction following Unprecedented Disaster",
A. Sudo, T. Kashiyama, T. Yabe, H. Kanasugi, X. Song, T. Higuchi, S. Nakano, M. Saito, and Y. Sekimoto,
Proceedings of SIGSPATIAL 2016, doi:10.1145/2996913.2997000, 2016.
- "Identification of signal and noise components in spacecraft neutral particle data using a bi-level mixture model",
S. Nakano and Y. Futaana,
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, pp. 487-495, doi:10.1109/DSAA.2017.38, 2017.
- "Merging particle filter for high-dimensional nonlinear problems",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, and T. Higuchi,
Extended abstract for the 5th WMO symposium on data assimilation, Oct. 2009.
- 地球科学におけるシミュレーションとビッグデータ ─データ同化とエミュレーション─,
電子情報通信学会誌, Vol.97, pp. 869-875, 2014.
- "データ同化入門 ─次世代のシミュレーション技術",
Master's thesis: "Net field-aligned currents controlled by the ionospheric condition and the solar activity", 2001.
Doctoral thesis: "Variations of large-scale field-aligned currents and their effects on mid-latitude geomagnetic disturbances", 2004.
"Local-time distribution of net field-aligned currents derived from high-altitude satellite data",
S. Nakano and T. Iyemori,
EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly 2003, Nice, France, Apr. 2003. (poster)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 5, 03079.)
- "Effects of the interplanetary magnetic field and substorms on nightside upward field-aligned currents during storm-time inferred from geomagnetic data at mid-latitudes",
S. Nakano and T. Iyemori,
AGU 2003 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2003. (poster)
(Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM32A-1146.)
- "Estimation of global distribution of large-scale field-aligned currents on the basis of ground-based magnetic data at mid-latitudes and in the polar-cap",
S. Nakano and T. Iyemori,
AGU 2004 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2004. (poster)
(Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM53A-0398.)
- "Long-term variations in nightside geomagnetic disturbances at mid-latitudes",
S. Nakano and T. Iyemori,
Xth IAGA Scientific Assembly, Toulouse, France, Jul. 2005. (poster)
- "Variations of field-aligned currents on the nightside inferred from mid-latitude ground-based geomagnetic data: Relationships with the IMF and substorms",
S. Nakano and T. Iyemori,
Xth IAGA Scientific Assembly, Toulouse, France, Jul. 2005. (talk)
- "A Data Assimilation Model of the Storm-time Ring Current",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C:son Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
AGU 2005 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2005. (poster)
(Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM13A-0330.)
- "Application of the particle filter technique to magnetospheric physics",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2006. (poster)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 8, 05449.)
- "Use of data assimilation to estimate physical parameters in a ring current model",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2006. (poster)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 8, 05372.)
- "Estimation of the ring current structure through data assimilation of global ENA data into a ring current model",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, K. Keika, and T. Higuchi,
The 2006 Joint Assembly of AGU and so on, Baltimore, USA, May. 2006. (poster)
(Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract SM43B-05.)
- "Data assimilation of global ENA data into a kinetic ring current model",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, K. Keika, and T. Higuchi,
GEM 2006 Summer Workshop, Snowmass, USA, Jun. 2006. (poster)
- "Structure of the ring current and electric potential in the inner magnetosphere deduced from ENA data assimilation",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, K. Keika, and T. Higuchi,
AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2006. (talk)
(Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM14B-03.)
- "A particle filter with merging procedure for sequential data assimilation",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, and T. Higuchi,
EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2007. (talk)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 9, 03147.)
- "Quantitative modeling of the ring current using ENA data assimilation",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, K. Keika, and T. Higuchi,
XXIVth IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, Jul. 2007. (talk)
- "Ring current modeling with an algorithm based on the particle filter/smoother",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, K. Keika, and T. Higuchi,
XXIVth IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, Jul. 2007. (talk)
- "Data assimilation for modeling the ring current evolution",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, K. Keika, and T. Higuchi,
SCOSTEP CAWSES International Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 2007. (poster)
- "Variations in the ring current and inner-magnetospheric electric field deduced from data assimilation of IMAGE/HENA data",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara, M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, K. Keika, and T. Higuchi,
AGU 2007 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2007. (talk)
(Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM43E-07.)
- "Parameter estimation for dynamic nonlinear models using the merging
particle filter",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, and T. Higuchi,
EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2008. (poster)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10, EGU2008-A-08008.)
- "Data assimilation of energetic neutral atom data for two-dimensional
modeling of the magnetospheric ring current",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara,
M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, K. Keika, and T. Higuchi,
EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2008. (talk)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 10, EGU2008-A-04916.)
- "A feasibility study of ring current modeling using data assimilation of multi-satellite observations",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara,
M.-C. Fok, and T. Higuchi,
AOGS 5th Annual General Meeting, Busan, the Republic of Korea, Jun. 2008. (poster)
- "Estimation of an uncertain parameter in dynamic nonlinear models using ensemble-based data assimilation schemes",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, and T. Higuchi,
AOGS 5th Annual General Meeting, Busan, the Republic of Korea, Jun. 2008. (talk)
- "Data assimilation approach and its applications to the modeling of the dynamics in the magnetosphere",
S. Nakano,
International Symposium: Fifty Years after IGY - Modern Information Technologies and Earth and Solar Sciences -, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 2008. (poster)
- "Effects of the solar-wind dynamic pressure on the Region-2 field-aligned current intensity",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, S. Ohtani, and T. Higuchi,
AGU 2008 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2008. (poster)
(Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM53A-1656.)
- "Implementation of the particle filter and the merging particle filter in parallel computing systems",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, K. Nakamura,
and T. Higuchi,
EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2009. (poster)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 11, EGU2009-6819-1.)
- "Statistical analysis of influence of the solar-wind pressure enhancement on the Region-2 field-aligned currents",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, S. Ohtani, and T. Higuchi,
XIth IAGA Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, Aug. 2009. (talk)
- "Development of an EUV data assimilation technique for plasmasphere modeling",
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
XIth IAGA Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, Aug. 2009. (poster)
- "Merging particle filter for high-dimensional nonlinear problems",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, and T. Higuchi,
The 5th WMO symposium on data assimilation, Melbourne, Australia, Oct. 2009. (poster) [Extended abstract]
- "A data assimilation method for plasmasphere modeling using EUV imaging data",
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
AGU 2009 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2009. (poster)
(Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM51A-1323.)
- "Population-based quasi-Bayesian algorithm for high-dimensional sequential problems and hierarchization of it for distributed computing environments",
S. Nakano,
2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence,
Barcelona, Spain, Jul. 2010. (talk)
- "A dynamic grouping strategy for implementation of the particle filter on a massively parallel computer",
S. Nakano and T. Higuchi,
13th International Conference on Information Fusion,
Edinburgh, UK, Jul. 2010. (talk)
- "An EUV data assimilation technique for the modeling of the plasmasphere using the particle filter",
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
2010 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference,
Toyama, Japan, Sep. 2010. (poster)
- "Massively parallel particle filter and a grouping strategy",
S. Nakano and T. Higuchi,
XXVth IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, Jul. 2011. (poster)
- "Data assimilation of EUV imaging data into a plasmasphere model",
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
XXVth IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, Jul. 2011. (talk)
- "Anti-correlation between the quiet-time level of mid-latitude magnetic field and long-term solar-wind activity",
S. Nakano, H. Nagao, and T. Higuchi,
XXVth IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, Jul. 2011. (talk)
- "An approach for exploring the dynamics of the plasmasphere using data assimilation of IMAGE/EUV data",
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
AGU 2011 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2011. (poster)
(Eos Trans. AGU, 92, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM33A-2145.)
- "Data assimilation of IMAGE/EUV data for estimating the plasmaspheric
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
Inner Magnetosphere Coupling II Conference, Los Angeles, USA, Mar. 2012. (poster)
- "Estimation of the ring current structure with data assimilation based on
the particle filter",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, Y. Ebihara,
M.-C. Fok, S. Ohtani, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
Inner Magnetosphere Coupling II Conference, Los Angeles, USA, Mar. 2012. (talk)
- "Estimation of the long-term component of the variation in geomagnetic data",
S. Nakano and T. Higuchi,
EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2012. (poster)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 14, EGU2012-10726.)
- "Applicability of the particle filter for high-dimensional problems using a
massively parallel computer",
S. Nakano and T. Higuchi,
EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2012. (poster)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 14, EGU2012-9181.)
- "Weight adjustment of the particle filter on distributed computing systems",
S. Nakano and T. Higuchi,
15th International Conference on Information Fusion,
Singapore, Jul. 2012. (talk)
- "Hybrid approach of ensemble transform and importance sampling
for nonlinear data assimilation",
S. Nakano and G. Ueno,
International Conference on Ensemble Methods in Geophysical Sciences,
Toulouse, France, Nov. 2012. (talk)
- "Particle filter with a proposal distribution generated by the ensemble transform Kalman filter",
S. Nakano and G. Ueno,
AGU 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2012. (poster)
(Eos Trans. AGU, 93, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG43A-1568.)
- "Comparison of two ways for representation of the forecast probability density function in ensemble-based sequential data assimilation",
S. Nakano,
EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2013. (talk)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 15, EGU2013-7029-1.)
- "A prediction algorithm with a limited number of particles
for state estimation of high-dimensional systems",
S. Nakano,
16th International Conference on Information Fusion,
Istanbul, Turkey, Jul. 2013. (talk)
- "Global distribution of the plasmaspheric ions and electric potential estimated with data assimilation of the IMAGE/EUV data",
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
XIIth IAGA Scientific Assembly, Merida, Mexico, Aug. 2013. (talk)
- "A data-driven Monte Carlo simulation model of typhoon tracks",
S. Nakano, K. Suzuki, and G. Ueno,
JSST 2013 International Conference of Simulation Technology, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 2013. (talk)
- "Estimation of the plasmaspheric helium ion distribution through assimilation of the IMAGE/EUV data",
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
AGU 2013 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2013. (talk)
- "Application of data assimilation approach to space physics",
S. Nakano,
The 23rd South Taiwan Statistics Conference and
2014 Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics Annual Meeting,
Hualien, Taiwan, Jun. 2014. (talk)
- "Temporal evolution of helium ion density distribution estimated
by assimilation of IMAGE/EUV data into a plasmasphere model",
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 2014. (poster)
- "An empirical Monte Carlo modeling of typhoon trajectories",
S. Nakano, K. Suzuki, and G. Ueno,
AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 2014. (poster)
- "Modeling of typhoon trajectory patterns using the Gaussian process regression",
S. Nakano, K. Suzuki, and G. Ueno,
Data analysis and modeling in Earth sciences 2014, Milan, Italy, Oct. 2014. (talk)
- "Optimization of the smoothness parameters in the Gaussian regression analysis for the modeling of typhoon trajectories",
S. Nakano, K. Suzuki, and G. Ueno,
Data analysis and modeling in Earth sciences 2014, Milan, Italy, Oct. 2014. (poster)
- "Long-term variation of the typhoon trajectory pattern estimated from the
typhoon best track data",
S. Nakano, K. Suzuki, and G. Ueno,
AGU 2014 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2014. (poster)
- "Two formulae of the marginal likelihood for parameter estimation using the ensemble Kalman filter",
S. Nakano,
The 4th International Symposium on Data Assimilation, Kobe, Japan, Feb. 2015. (poster)
- "A method for estimating the age--depth relationship of Dome Fuji Ice Core using a sequential Monte Carlo method",
S. Nakano, K. Suzuki, K. Kawamura, F. Parrenin, and T. Higuchi,
EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2015. (poster)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 17, EGU2015-8249-3.)
- "Comparison between two formulae for parameter evaluation based on the ensemble Kalman filter",
S. Nakano,
EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2015. (poster)
(Geophys. Res. Abstr., 17, EGU2015-8675-1.)
- "Long-term variation in the spatial pattern of a typhoon's translation
velocity field estimated from the typhoon best track data",
S. Nakano, K. Ito, K. Suzuki, and G. Ueno,
XXVIth IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, Jun. 2015. (poster)
- "Maximum likelihood approach for estimating uncertain parameters
in data assimilation for a plasmasphere model",
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
XXVIth IUGG General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, Jul. 2015. (talk)
- "A probability model of typhoon motion developed using the Gaussian process regression",
S. Nakano, K. Ito, K. Suzuki, and G. Ueno,
AOGS 12th Annual Meeting, Singapore, Singapore, Aug. 2015. (poster)
- "Ice core dating using the particle Markov chain Monte Carlo method",
S. Nakano, K. Suzuki, K. Kawamura, F. Parrenin, and T. Higuchi,
the 9th Conference of the Asian Regional Section of the IASC (IASC-ARS 2015), Singapore, Singapore, Dec. 2015. (talk)
- "A Gaussian process model for representing the uncertainty and long-term change in typhoon behavior and its application",
S. Nakano,
the 26th Annual Conference of the International Environmetrics Society, Edinburgh, UK, Jul. 2016. (poster)
- "Modeling of the motion of diffuse and pulsating aurorae
based on auroral image data with high temporal resolution",
S. Nakano and Y. Ogawa,
AOGS 13th Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, Aug. 2016. (talk)
- "Data assimilation of global ENA and EUV measurements for reconstruction of the inner-magnetosphere",
S. Nakano, P. C. Brandt, and M.-C. Fok,
AGU 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2016. (poster)
- "Global mapping of ionospheric plasma velocity distributions using spherical elementary current systems based on SuperDARN data",
S. Nakano, T. Hori, and K. Seki,
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, May. 2017. (poster)
- "Data assimilation experiment for reproducing the temporal evolution of the inner-magnetospheric environment",
S. Nakano, P. C. Brandt, and M.-C. Fok,
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, May. 2017. (poster)
- "Use of kernel regression in ensemble Kalman filters",
S. Nakano,
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Chiba, Japan, May. 2017. (poster)
- "A stochastic model for generating typhoon trajectory scenarios based on a Gaussian process model and its application",
S. Nakano,
the 27th Annual Conference of the International Environmetrics Society, Bergamo, Italy, Jul. 2017. (poster)
- "Identification of signal and noise components in spacecraft neutral particle data using a bi-level mixture model",
S. Nakano and Y. Futaana,
the 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2017. (talk)
- "Monte Carlo simulation based on a statistical model for analyzing climatological properties of typhoons",
S. Nakano,
AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, Dec. 2018. (poster)
- "Decadal-scale variations of typhoon trajectories deduced
from a stochastic modeling approach",
S. Nakano,
27th IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, Jul. 2019. (talk)
- "Data assimilation experiments for geodynamo modeling
with an ensemble-based approach",
S. Nakano, T. Minami, F. Takahashi, M. Matsushima, H. Toh, and H. Shimizu,
27th IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, Jul. 2019. (poster)
- "Application of 4-dimensional ensemble variational method for geodynamo
S. Nakano, T. Minami, F. Takahashi, M. Matsushima, H. Toh, and H. Shimizu,
AGU 2019 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2019. (talk)
- "Iterative ensemble variational methods and its application
for the prediction of geomagnetic secular variation",
S. Nakano, T. Minami, F. Takahashi, M. Matsushima, H. Shimizu, and H. Toh,
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Virtual, Jul. 2020. (poster)
- "Development of a multilingual data assimilation library",
S. Nakano, G. Ueno, S. Nomura, and D. Murakami,
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Virtual, Jul. 2020. (poster)
- "Monte Carlo simulation of solar EUV scattering by oxygen ions",
S. Nakano, Y. Hozumi, and A. Saito,
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, Virtual, Jul. 2020. (poster)
- "Modeling of the AL index time series with echo state network",
S. Nakano and R. Kataoka,
IAGA-IASPEI Joint Assembly 2021, on-line, Aug, 2021. (talk)
- "Virtual sounding of solar-wind effects on the AE indices based on an echo state network model",
S. Nakano and R. Kataoka,
AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, on-line, Dec. 2021. (poster)
- "Temporal evolution of equatorial anomaly in the nightside ionosphere derived from ISS-IMAP/EUVI data",
S. Nakano, Y. Hozumi, A. Saito, I. Yoshikawa, A. Yamazaki, K. Yoshioka, G. Murakami,
AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, on-line, Dec. 2022. (poster)
- "Data assimilation into a machine learning-based emulator of global MHD simulation for analysis of the polar ionosphere",
S. Nakano, R. Kataoka, and S. Fujita,
28th IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, Jul. 2023. (talk)
- 「QL Dst index 観測点のベースラインの検討」,
中野慎也, 亀井豊永, 杉浦正久,
第106回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 仙台, 1999年11月. (poster)
- 「沿磁力線電流による中緯度の地上磁場変動について」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
地球惑星科学関連学会2000年合同大会, 東京, 2000年6月. (poster)
- 「中緯度地上磁場東西変動の経度依存性」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
第24回 極域における電離圏磁気圏総合観測シンポジウム,
東京, 2000年8月. (talk)
- 「夜側中緯度地上磁場の東西変動について」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦, 山下哲,
第108回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 東京, 2000年11月. (talk)
- 「夜側中緯度地上磁場東西変動の経度依存性」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
地球惑星科学関連学会2001年合同大会, 東京, 2001年6月. (talk)
- 「内部磁気圏における電流分布の推定の試み」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
第110回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 福岡, 2001年11月. (poster)
- 「沿磁力線電流分布と地磁気擾乱の朝夕非対称性などとの関係」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦, 山下哲,
地球惑星科学関連学会2002年合同大会, 東京, 2002年5月. (talk)
- 「内部磁気圏における電流分布の推定の試み (II)」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
地球惑星科学関連学会2002年合同大会, 東京, 2002年5月. (poster)
- 「高高度衛星による反太陽方向電流系の解析」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
第26回 極域における電離圏磁気圏総合観測シンポジウム,
東京, 2002年7月. (talk)
- 「夜側中緯度地磁気東西変動の特性」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
第112回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 調布, 2002年11月. (poster)
- 「磁気嵐時の中緯度東西磁場変動とその対流電場との関係」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
地球惑星科学関連学会2003年合同大会, 千葉, 2003年5月. (talk)
- 「夜側上向き沿磁力線電流の変動特性」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
第27回 極域における電離圏磁気圏総合観測シンポジウム,
東京, 2003年8月. (talk)
- 「中緯度地磁気変動から推定される夜側上向き沿磁力線電流とサブストームとの関係」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
第114回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 富山, 2003年10月. (talk)
- 「沿磁力線電流分布と地磁気擾乱との対応についての検討」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
地球惑星科学関連学会2004年合同大会, 千葉, 2004年5月. (talk)
- 「中緯度東西磁場変動の太陽活動依存性」,
地球惑星科学関連学会2004年合同大会, 千葉, 2004年5月. (poster)
- 「中緯度および極冠域の地磁気データを用いた沿磁力線電流分布の推定」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
第28回極域宙空圏シンポジウム, 東京, 2004年8月. (talk)
- 「中緯度および極冠域の地磁気データから推定した沿磁力線電流分布の変動」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
第116回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 松山, 2004年9月. (poster)
- 「昼側中緯度地磁気東西変動の特性」,
中野慎也, 家森俊彦,
地球惑星科学関連学会2005年合同大会, 千葉, 2005年5月. (poster)
- 「リングカレント構造解明のためのデータ同化」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 海老原祐輔, M.-C. Fok, 大谷晋一, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2006年大会, 千葉, 2006年5月. (talk)
- 「Improvement of a ring current model through data assimilation」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 海老原祐輔, M.-C. Fok, 大谷晋一, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, 桂華邦裕, 樋口知之,
第30回極域宙空圏シンポジウム, 東京, 2006年8月. (talk)
- 「Estimation of the ring current structure and the inner-magnetospheric electric field through data assimilation」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 海老原祐輔, M.-C. Fok, 大谷晋一, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, 桂華邦裕, 樋口知之,
第120回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 相模原, 2006年11月. (talk)
- 「逐次データ同化手法とその応用」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 中村和幸, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2007年大会, 千葉, 2007年5月. (talk)
- 「Relationship between the ring current structure and the electric potential distribution in the inner-magnetosphere deduced from data assimilation」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 海老原祐輔, M.-C. Fok, 大谷晋一, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, 桂華邦裕, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2007年大会, 千葉, 2007年5月. (talk)
- 「Data assimilation of global ENA data into a ring current model」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 海老原祐輔, M.-C. Fok, 大谷晋一, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, 桂華邦裕, 樋口知之,
第31回極域宙空圏シンポジウム, 東京, 2007年7月. (talk)
- 「Merging particle filter for high dimensional problems」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 中村和幸, 樋口知之,
2007年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 神戸, 2007年9月. (talk)
- 「Data assimilation approach for estimating unknown factors in a kinetic ring current model」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 海老原祐輔, M.-C. Fok, 大谷晋一, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, 桂華邦裕, 樋口知之,
第122回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 名古屋, 2007年9月. (poster)
- 「Merging particle filterによる非線型システムモデルのパラメータ推定法」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2008年大会, 千葉, 2008年5月. (poster)
- 「データ同化による磁気圏リングカレント発達過程のモデリング」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 海老原祐輔, M.-C. Fok, 大谷晋一, P. C. Brandt, D. G. Mitchell, 桂華邦裕, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2008年大会, 千葉, 2008年5月. (poster)
- 「Feasibility of data assimilation of multi-satellite measurements for ring current modeling」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 海老原祐輔, M.-C. Fok, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2008年大会, 千葉, 2008年5月. (poster)
- 「Relationship between the Region-2 current intensity and the solar-wind dynamic pressure」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 大谷晋一, 樋口知之,
第124回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 仙台, 2008年10月. (talk)
- 「Long-term component of the variation of the Dst index」,
中野慎也, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2009年大会, 千葉, 2009年5月. (poster)
- 「入れ子型粒子フィルタアルゴリズムとその並列計算機上でのデータ同化への応用」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 中村和幸, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2009年大会, 千葉, 2009年5月. (poster)
- 「データ同化による磁気圏プラズマ分布の推定」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 海老原祐輔, M.-C. Fok, 大谷晋一, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
第58回理論応用力学講演会,東京, 2009年6月. (talk)
- 「Merging particle filterによる状態推定 ─宇宙科学への応用─」,
中野慎也, 上野玄太, 海老原祐輔, M.-C. Fok, 大谷晋一, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
2009年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 京田辺, 2009年9月. (talk)
- 「Feasibility of EUV data assimilation for the modeling of the plasmasphere」,
中野慎也, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
第126回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 金沢, 2009年9月. (poster)
- 「プラズマ圏モデリングへのデータ同化技術の応用」,
中野慎也, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2010年大会, 千葉, 2010年5月. (poster)
- 「Estimation of the distribution of plasmaspheric plasma via data assimilation of extreme ultraviolet data」,
中野慎也, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
第59回理論応用力学講演会,東京, 2010年6月. (talk)
- 「大規模並列計算機における高次元非線型システムの状態推定について」,
中野慎也, 樋口知之,
2010年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 東京, 2010年9月. (talk)
- 「Subannual variation in the Dst index and its relationship with solar-wind parameters」,
中野慎也, 樋口知之,
第128回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 那覇, 2010年11月. (talk)
- 「Data assimilation of EUV imaging data for modeling the plasmasphere」,
中野慎也, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
第34回極域宙空圏シンポジウム, 立川, 2010年12月. (talk)
- 「Alternately lattice-pattern switching strategy 〜大規模並列計算による粒子フィルタのための〜」,
中野慎也, 樋口知之,
第60回理論応用力学講演会,東京, 2011年3月. (talk)
- 「粒子フィルタのプラズマ圏データ同化への応用」,
中野慎也, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会, 千葉, 2011年5月. (talk)
- 「Mars Express高速中性粒子データにおけるノイズ・シグナル成分の分類と特性解析」,
中野慎也, 二穴喜文,
日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会, 千葉, 2011年5月. (poster)
- 「静穏時地磁気H成分と太陽風活動長期変動との関係」,
中野慎也, 長尾大道,樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会, 千葉, 2011年5月. (poster)
- 「Estimation of temporal evolution of the plasmasphere using IMAGE/EUV data」,
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
日本地球惑星科学連合2011年大会, 千葉, 2011年5月. (talk)
- 「Merging particle filterによる地磁気長期変動成分の抽出」,
中野慎也, 樋口知之,
2011年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 福岡, 2011年9月. (talk)
- 「Modeling of the plasmasphere with data assimilation of IMAGE/EUV data」,
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
第130回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 神戸, 2011年11月. (poster)
- 「データ同化による地球磁気圏撮像観測の活用」,
中野 慎也,
第14回 情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS2011),奈良, 2011年11月. (talk)
- 「夜側中緯度静穏時地磁気H成分の長期変動」,
中野慎也, 長尾大道,樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2012年大会, 千葉, 2012年5月. (poster)
- 「Estimation of the spatial structure of the plasmasphere using a data assimilation technique」,
中野慎也, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2012年大会, 千葉, 2012年5月. (talk)
- 「高次元システムにおけるデータ同化のための予測分布表現法」,
2012年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 札幌, 2012年9月. (talk)
- 「Two-dimensional structure of the plasmasphere estimated by the ensemble transform Kalman filter」,
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
第132回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 札幌, 2012年10月. (poster)
- 「A hybrid algorithm of ensemble transform Kalman filter and particle filter」,
第62回理論応用力学講演会,東京, 2013年3月. (talk)
- 「Spatial distribution of the plasmaspheric ions estimated by assimilation
of IMAGE/EUV data」,
中野慎也, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会, 千葉, 2013年5月. (talk)
- 「Inversion method for estimating the helium ion density distribution in the
plasmasphere based on IMAGE/EUV data」,
中野慎也, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2014年大会, 横浜, 2014年4月. (talk)
- 「季節変動を考慮した動的台風移動モデルの構築」,
中野慎也, 鈴木香寿恵, 上野玄太,
2014年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 東京, 2014年9月. (talk)
- 「Estimating the latitudinal dependence of plasmaspheric helium
ion density based on data assimilation of the IMAGE/EUV data」,
S. Nakano, M.-C. Fok, P. C. Brandt, and T. Higuchi,
第136回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 松本, 2014年10月. (talk)
- 「A method for dating of Dome Fuji ice core based on a state space modeling」,
S. Nakano, K. Suzuki, K. Kawamura, F. Parrenin, A. Abe-Ouchi, F. Saito, and T. Higuchi,
第5回 極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, 2014年12月. (poster)
- 「Estimation of the age-depth relationship of Dome Fuji Ice Core using a sequential Bayesian approach」,
中野慎也, 鈴木香寿恵, 川村賢二, F. Parrenin, 樋口知之,
日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会, 千葉, 2015年5月. (talk)
- 「Towards quantification of auroral properties based on image data with high temporal resolution」,
S. Nakano and Y. Ogawa,
日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会, 千葉, 2015年5月. (talk)
- 「過去の台風経路データに基づく台風移動速度モデルの構築」,
中野慎也, 伊藤耕介, 鈴木香寿恵, 上野玄太,
日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会, 千葉, 2015年5月. (talk)
- 「A pilot study for reconstruction of the inner-magnetosphere by data assimilation of global ENA and EUV measurements」,
S. Nakano, P. C. Brandt, and M.-C. Fok,
日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会, 千葉, 2016年5月. (poster)
- 「Decadal-scale variation of the typhoon recurvature latitude」,
S. Nakano, K. Ito, K. Suzuki, and G. Ueno,
日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会, 千葉, 2016年5月. (poster)
- 「A quantification method for the properties of diffuse and pulsating aurorae based on auroral image data」,
S. Nakano and Y. Ogawa,
日本地球惑星科学連合2016年大会, 千葉, 2016年5月. (talk)
- 「一般化状態空間モデルによる人工衛星磁場データの解析」,
2016年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 金沢, 2016年9月. (talk)
- 「Analyses of time series of auroral images for deducing properties of diffuse and pulsating aurorae」,
中野慎也, 小川泰信,
第140回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 福岡, 2016年11月. (poster)
- 「Extraction of geophysical information from auroral movies using an approximate Kalman filter」,
S. Nakano, Y. Ogawa,
2017年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 名古屋, 2017年9月. (talk)
- 「Stream function of global ionospheric plasma velocity distributions estimated from SuperDARN data」,
中野慎也, 堀智昭, 関華奈子, 西谷望,
第142回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 宇治, 2017年10月. (poster)
- 「Various aspects of data assimilation techniques and expansion of their applications」,
S. Nakano,
第8回 極域科学シンポジウム, 立川, 2017年12月. (talk)
- 「Assimilation of EUV and ENA measurements for modeling of the inner magnetosphere」,
S. Nakano, P. C. Brandt, and M.-C. Fok,
日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会, 千葉, 2018年5月. (talk)
- 「Climatic properties of typhoons deduced from Monte Carlo simulation with a data-driven stochastic model」,
S. Nakano,
日本地球惑星科学連合2018年大会, 千葉, 2018年5月. (poster)
- 「A non-parametric regression model for analysis of spherical vector fields and its application to ionospheric HF radar data」,
中野慎也, 堀智昭, 関華奈子, 西谷望,
2018年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 東京, 2018年9月. (talk)
- 「Extraction of two-dimensional flow pattern and fluctuations from a sequence of auroral images」,
中野慎也, 小川泰信,
第144回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 名古屋, 2018年11月. (poster)
- 「A pilot study of geomagnetic data assimilation into a geodynamo model」,
S. Nakano, T. Minami, F. Takahashi, M. Matsushima, H. Toh, and H. Shimizu,
日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 千葉, 2019年5月. (talk)
- 「A data assimilation library with Python for parallel computing」,
S. Nakano, Y. Ariyoshi, and T. Higuchi,
日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 千葉, 2019年5月. (poster)
- 「Ionospheric convection modeling based on convolution with a localized vector-valued basis function」,
S. Nakano, T. Hori, K. Seki, and N. Nishitani,
日本地球惑星科学連合2019年大会, 千葉, 2019年5月. (poster)
- 「A regression-based ensemble-based data assimilation algorithm for weakly nonlinear systems」,
S. Nakano,
2019年度 統計関連学会連合大会, 彦根, 2019年9月. (talk)
- 「Data assimilation for prediction of geomagnetic secular variation」,
中野慎也, 南拓人, 高橋太, 松島政貴, 清水久芳, 藤浩明,
第146回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 熊本, 2019年10月. (poster)
- 「不確実性の高い問題におけるアンサンブル変分法」,
第33回 数値流体力学シンポジウム, 札幌, 2019年11月. (talk)
- 「Modeling of EUV light scattered by oxygen ions and comparison with observation」,
中野慎也, 穂積裕太, 齊藤昭則,
第148回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, オンライン, 2020年11月. (talk)
- 「An iterative ensemble-based variational method with ensemble generation in random subspaces」,
S. Nakano,
日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, オンライン, 2021年6月. (talk)
- 「EUV signals associated with O+ ions observed from ISS-IMAP/EUVI in the nightside ionosphere」,
S. Nakano, Y. Hozumi, A. Saito, I. Yoshikawa, A. Yamazaki, K. Yoshioka, G. Murakami,
日本地球惑星科学連合2021年大会, オンライン, 2021年6月. (talk)
- 「Diagnosis of solar-wind effects on the AE indices based on an echo state network model」,
中野慎也, 片岡龍峰,
第150回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, オンライン, 2021年11月. (talk)
- 「A pilot study for tomographic reconstruction of ionospheric O+ distribution from ISS-IMAP/EUVI data」,
S. Nakano, Y. Hozumi, A. Saito, I. Yoshikawa, A. Yamazaki, K. Yoshioka, G. Murakami,
日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会, ハイブリッド(千葉), 2022年5-6月. (poster)
- 「Ensemble-based iterative variational data assimilation approach and its extension for count data」,
S. Nakano,
日本地球惑星科学連合2022年大会, ハイブリッド(千葉), 2022年5-6月. (poster)
- 「Echo state networkによるサブストーム活動の確率モデル」,
中野慎也, 片岡龍峰,
第152回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 相模原, 2022年11月. (poster)
- 「ISS-IMAP/EUVIデータから再構成した夜側電離圏O+密度分布」,
中野慎也, 穂積裕太, 齊藤昭則, 吉川 一朗, 山崎 敦, 吉岡 和夫, 村上 豪,
第152回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 相模原, 2022年11月. (talk)
- 「Data assimilation into a machine learning-based emulator of global MHD simulation」,
S. Nakano, R. Kataoka, and S. Fujita,
日本地球惑星科学連合2023年大会, ハイブリッド(千葉), 2023年5月. (poster)
- 「Mapping of ionospheric electric potential with data assimilation into an emulator of global MHD simulation」,
中野慎也, 片岡龍峰, 藤田茂,
日本地球惑星科学連合2023年大会, ハイブリッド(千葉), 2023年5月. (talk)
- 「Response of Pi2 activity to solar wind conditions modelled with an echo state network」,
中野慎也, 片岡龍峰, 能勢正仁,
第154回 地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会講演会, 仙台, 2023年9月. (talk)